Airgo certified in customer services

The Airgo Certified Customer Services will teach you how to design and develop effective and efficient service processes for Customers. It will give you a better understanding of consumer behavior, important marketing elements that shape demand patterns, and the core components of service processes. This can help you to achieve excellence in customer relationships.


After completing the course, learners will be able to, Manage Customer perceptions of risk & Consumer Behavior, Describe Self Service Technologies (SSTs) & their uses, explain the role of culture in Service Excellence.

Exit Profiles

Marketing assistant, Officemanager/employee, Insurance agent Recruiter, Sales representative.

Silent Features

Certified Faculty, Placement Assistance, E-Learning System, Semester Exams, Internships, Practical Sessions, Practice and Theory sessions, Easy Instalments, Job-oriented, Industry-centric Curriculum, Industry Exposure.